
Fee Schedule – Effective September 1, 2024


ATM/Debit Card

*ATM transaction fee or                              $.50 + tax per transaction

*Balance Inquiry                                            $.50 + tax per inquiry

Replacement Card fee                                  $10.00

Replacement Pin                                            $5.00

Pick Your Own Pin#                                       $5.00

Expedited Card Replacement                      $50.00

Card Reactivation Fee                                   $5.00

*No Surcharge Fee at SHAZAM® Privileged Status network ATMs.  Charge after six (6) withdrawals or POS transactions at non- QOCU ATM machines.  ATMs not owned by QOCU or not in the SHAZAM® Privileged Status network may add an additional surcharge.

Checking, Overdraft, and Return Items

Overdraft Fee                                                 $30.00 + tax per item 

Return item fee                                              $15.00 + tax per

Stop Payment                                                  $25.00 +  tax 

Overdraft Transfers                                       $2.50 + tax

Copies of Cleared Checks                             $3.00 per check

Check Issue

Cashier’s Check                                              $5.00

Teller Check / Money Order                        First check is Free

                                                                           $3.00 per check for additional checks

**Check Cashing Fee                                    $5.00/ check

**Charge for members who have less than an average daily balance of $100 in their accounts and no other account relationships with QOCU, and for non-members.

Wire Transfers

Incoming Domestic Wire                              $10.00

Outgoing Domestic Wire                              $25.00

Statement/Account Assistance

Statement Copy                                             $5.00/statement

Account Reconciliation/Research              $30.00/hour

                                                                           (max. history of 3 months)


Returned Mail Fee                                                        $5.00/ item

Withdrawal from Christmas Club                              $10.00

Withdrawal from Stike Account                                 $10.00

Notary member                                                             Free

              Non member                                                   $10.00

Faxing or Photocopying                                               $1.00 per page

Garnishment/Levy                                                         $25.00

Premature Account Closing                                       $25.00 (for accounts open less than 6 months)

Loan Cancellation Fee                                                  $25.00

***Inactive/Dormant Account Fee                          $5.00/month

Cash Advance Fee                                                         $5.00

****Coin Cashing Fee                                                  $5.00

***An account is considered inactive if no withdrawals or deposits have been made for 12 months and balance is less than $200.00.

 ****Charge for members who have less than an average daily balance of $100 in their accounts and no other account relationships with QOCU.